Yearly Archives: 2012

20120316 Status Update

I’ve gotten bogged down on painting the next batch of 5 Halberdiers… but I’m nearly done.  Should be just some Devlan Mud on a few bits, some static grass and the sides of the bases before this group is ready for the Dullcote.

An astute observer might notice that (most) of them are inverted from the last set I did: yellow tops, blue bottoms instead of blue tops and yellow bottoms.  I’m going to try to get something of an even distribution: sticking with the same color scheme, but distributing it differently.  One of the above Halberdier is halved: there will be a mess of those, and probably a good number of quartered troops as well.

When these suckers are done, I’ll take some better pictures of them.  I hope you guys like pictures of dudes with crazy facial hair, pajamas and halberds: it’s about all you’re going to get outta me for the next several months.

In other news, Casey‘s helping me unload all of the LotR Fallen Realms stuff I’ve had collecting dust in the closet.  He’s been a huge help! (And he’s been posting to his blog with a frequency that shames me, so you should check him out.  FYI.)

Finally, looking ahead to the summer, I e-mailed the Quake City Rumble guys my list to get an idea of how it would comp out on the West Coast: it’s distant enough that I don’t want to make assumptions (and one of my opponents at Blob’s Park kept saying things like, “I was excited about playing [on the East Coast], ’cause you guys don’t care about comp…”).

The response was that it would be comp’d low (but not bullshit low), but that I shouldn’t sweat it because “the average list got slightly over a 1 on average from each comp judge.”  While that says to me the scoring system could use a bit of tweaking (which apparently it’s already gotten: they’re on a .5 scale, now) the key take away was “the couple points you might gain changing the list probably isn’t worth the headache.”

That was precisely what I wanted to hear.  I don’t want to take a BS list, but I don’t want to have to change my list substantially: I’ve got piles of Halberdiers I need to be painting.

Old Stuff Day

I almost missed this entirely. In honor of old stuff day: a handful of posts from a few

  • 10/15/09My Bonebreaker Rat Ogre conversion -This guy is currently about 2/3rds of the way painted, despite being assembled back in late 2009. Yeesh. I probably should finish him up. He’s a fun, goofy conversion, which is where I like my hobby to be.
  • 12/1/2009Assorted Skaven conversions -This is still one of my most visited pages.
  • 5/25/2010Blogger & Picasa – I try to explain how Blogger hosts images uploaded to it and how folks can leverage that.  Probably should get a slight update to note how Picasa web albums behaves when you get too many images in it.  (Answer: oddly.)
  • 6/26/2010Dawn Power Dissovler – Man, if you’re not stripping with Dawn Power Dissolver, you really should be.  Just sayin’.

Another Priest of Mannan

I threw this guy together last weekend, I think.  I’m experimenting with a second Arch-Lector, so I needed another mini.

He’s the same as the last one: Greatsword torso, Flagellant legs, crazy Flagellant head (they come in not crazy?).  Instead of a boathook, I went with a (Free Company) cutlass.

The shield’s from the General kit: the bird will be painted as an albatross.  The giant KF was a no go, so I scraped it off and did another five-pointed crown of Mannan.  It’s a little small, though (that purity seal screws things up) so I filled the space with a goofy, Mignola-esque skull and stuff.  I’m not entirely happy with it: it’ll do, but I’m tempted to go back in and do a CGL on it.  (The club’s CGL, pronouced “seagull,” and there’s a sea gull right there; why not?)

Anyway, this guy will probably be my primary Arch-Lector (since I don’t expect to always run two), and he better fits my preferred Arch-Lector build.  I’m a huge fan of the challenge build:  Arch-Lector, Sword of Might, Shield of the Gorgon, Van Horstman’s Speculum.  He’s amazing at blunting a very dangerous character and, man, everyone hates it when I tell them what he does: that I avoid fielding insane combat characters makes that taste pretty sweet.

Four Things I’m Doing

I’m doing a few things with this Empire army that I haven’t really done with earlier armies.  I’ve been meaning to throw together a post about them for a while now.  Behold!  I’ve finally gotten around to it!

More Gap Filling

Obviously I’ve filled gaps in my minis previously… but with rank & file and on certain joins it’s unnecessary.  This time around, I’m using some thinned Liquid Green Stuff (LGS) to smooth over dang near any join where it’d be appropriate.

Platform Shoes

I’ve read before about why it’s important to put your models’ feet on some plasticard, so they appear to be standing on the terrain on your bases, rather than in the terrain.  I’m using 2mm thick plasticard.  For the most part, this hasn’t been a problem, though on a few models the contact points are small enough that doing this hasn’t helped much.  I’m hoping that basing will help with that.

Base Gap Filling

I’m a strong believer in gluing metal bits to your bases to give your models weight and stability, as well as making your movement trays less dangerous.  (I hate when I pick up a tray, something slips, and models go everywhere.)  I just glue the weight to the base.  This time around, I’m using LGS to smooth out any transition or gap between the base and the metal.  This should make the base look sharper.

Zenithal Highlighting

I absolutely get the theory behind it, though I expect that I slap enough paint on my models to Defeat The Purpose.  Still, it’s negligibly easy to do, and helps make details stand out…  and it’s entirely possible it does make some difference.

Bloodletter Battlefoam Tray

… or maybe I should call it BLOODLETTERFOAM.

I ordered a bunch of Battlefoam trays for the Khornate Daemons back at the end of November, just about all of it custom.  About the same time, Battlefoam ran a contest for new tray layouts.  I’d just put a lot of work together laying out trays (mostly because their existing tray designs were wholly inadequate for what I needed)… so I went ahead and submitted the Bloodletter tray layout.  Bloodletters have damned inconvenient shape and, man, I’m sure the layout will make someone’s life easier.

Well, the design was a semi-finalist so you, too, can order the same BLOODLETTERFOAM tray!  You’re welcome.

(I need to e-mail them about changing the text.  “These cut outs will not work for Bloodletters holding their Hellblades straight up or Bloodletters holding Icons” isn’t actually true: it holds every type of Bloodletter without complaint, save for the Icon bearers.)

Anyway, this was from a little while back… it’s just on my mind because The Gamer’s Workbench posted about his success in the contest and because my prize (the tray I laid out) just showed up.  Oh, and because I just ordered more desperately-needed foam for my Empire.

(So if anyone needs a tray for their Bloodletters, let me know. :) )

Painted Halberdiers (Finally)

I finally finished this dang batch of ten Halberdiers.  I could talk about how and why I’ll be tackling them in smaller batches, but I think that’s been covered to death.  Ultimately it took me something like a month to paint these suckers.

So, that’s them.  I’ll be knocking out more, soon.  Later today, I’ll be getting in my first real game with this army.

Konrad Longshank & Albrecht

I threw up some just-shy-of-done pictures of my D&D character last week.  Since then, I licked ’em with some varnish and stuck them in the lightbox for some higher quality pictures.

I tried doing some weathering on the shield.  Clearly, there’s some room for improvement here, but it’ll do.

While I had the light box out and my P.A.C.K. Mini (where I keep my RPG minis) handy, I took some more scenic/HDR photos.  I’ll throw them up in a day or so.

Painting Progress(?) – 20120207

Progress painting the Empire has been slow.  Despite taking a week off from work for a much-needed staycation (and even spending a morning camped out at GW Fair Oaks to force myself to focus on painting), I’ve somehow managed to remain too busy to paint.  And, when I’m not too busy, I’m running into the “bit off more than I could chew” wall that grinds progress to a halt.

It’s madness to think I’d originally considered tackling these bastards in batches of 15.  10, as with Skaven and Astartes, is too big of a batch for me.  When I finally wrap these guys up, I’ll go back to doing batches of 6-7, which seems to be my sweet spot between “as many as possible” and “quick accomplishment fix.”
These guys are close.  I need to do metallics (obviously), then red items, then base them and I’m done.  It’s totally doable.  I just need to do it.  Shut up and paint, bro!
Partly because the next session’s coming up and partly because I need to feel like I’ve accomplished something, I knocked out my D&D character.  He’s not done-done: he still needs some Dullcote before I can claim that, but that’s all.
He’ll get better lightbox pictures after that.  I’m happy enough with him.  He’s basically a Free Company dude (as uninspiring as those guys might be on the table, I love the minis) with a Greatsword head and a Swordsman shield.  The dog is from Warlord’s Unleash Hell; bases are from Dragonforge’s Sanctuary line.
Beyond that, I seem to still have a ton of assembly hobby work that needs doing: I need to assemble another Mortar, have to convert up a second Arch Lector of Manann, I’ve got a bunch of metal squares from Wargames Accessories that need filing down (so my Greatswords have heft), and, as soon as they show up, I’ll have to glue together some movement trays from Litko
(One final note: I need to give a huge shout out to Back 2 Base-ix: since placing my as-yet unreceived order with Litko, I’ve placed and received two orders from Back 2 Base-ix… and they’re shipping from Australia.  They’re amazing: I definitely plan to continue ordering from them.)

Arch Lector of Manann

From Day 1, I’ve been planning to play up the nautical aspect of the Nordland army.  (I’ve already got a pretty clear idea of what my display board’s going to look like.)  Although a general lack of easily accessible, usable nautical bits has thwarted me in terms of converting up most characters, I’ve been pretty determined to make sure that it’s clear that my Arch Lectors and Warrior Priests can’t be mistaken as Sigmarites: they serve Manann.

I’m definitely thinking Aeron “Damphair” Greyjoy, here.

Here’s the first one.

He’s the bottom half of a Flagellant body, with the top half sawn off and replaced with a Greatsword torso.  The shield’s from the Empire General kit: I shaved the skull off and replaced it with a plasticard Manann’s crwon.  The clerics should have portfolio-appropriate weapons, so I converted one of the Flagellant’s scythes into a boathook.  The head’s a Flagellant’s, with a paper crown reinforced with superglue.

More Progress

Since the last time I really posted, I’ve been stupidly busy: both at work and at hobby.

On top of all that other stuff, I’ve done:

  • 20x Greatswords
  • 10x Handgunners
  • 10x Archers
  • 3x Wizards
  • 1x Captain of the Empire

At this point, I just need to do up the Engineer and the Arch-Lector.

I ran out of metal squares to glue to their bases: I’ve had to order a heap more of them from Wargame Accessories.  In fact, I had to go on a spree: ordering metal squares, movement trays from Litko and skirmish trays from Back 2 Base-IX.

I’ve been holding off on building the characters, since they’re the most clear place to do conversions and work in the Manann / Nordland theme.  I threw together some wizards (Light and Fire) without any trouble.

Nothing special, right?

Well, I also needed a Shadow Wizard… and they don’t really have any bits in the (otherwise magnificent) Wizard kit.

So, I trimmed the hair off of a Fire Mage’s hair sculpted the hood up over it.

Not entirely pleased with the skull on the staff, but nothing else in the bits box really leapt out at me.  I might take a stab at it scratching up a crystal or something.