I finished the Brood Horror! Woooooooo!
After a couple of false starts, I finally knocked out the Brood Horror. Although I’m sure I could have finished it faster, I can’t help but feel like I got it done in pretty good time.
The ratskin came together pretty easily: I used an airbrush to do the midtone, then backed in some shading, then cleaned it up with a brush before highlighting.
The rashy skin was more problematic. So much of this thing is covered in disgusting, nasty rashes, pustules that I had to do something to keep it interesting. Although my mind’s eye had a much more multi-colored rainbow of diseases, I’m happy enough with it.
Now, I just need to put this stinking, foul thing into some games.
Anyway, behold the photodump!
There’s a tongue that goes in there, but the damn thing kept breaking off. Finally, I got sick of gluing it back in, so I left it out. The hole for it is probably creepier, anyway.