With all the talk about the LotFP Magic Item Call, I’m reminded of my submission to the LotFP Anniversary Contest a while back (a year and half? yeesh). I don’t know that the PDF ever went out, so I might as well put it up here. Not enough RPG content here, anyway.
The Ekkeko-Supay Disk
This round disk, a handsbreadth across and less than an inch thick, is made of an unusual metal that is neither copper nor gold. In relief, it shows a man and a demon standing beneath a large, many-breasted woman, holding their arms to her womb. The style of the carvings clearly indicate that it’s of the New World.
If studied by an expert of Incan culture, the man is Ekkeko (god of wealth), the demon Supay (god of death) and the woman Mamma Allpa (fertility goddess). Why wouldn’t a character have sunk points into “Incan Culture?”
If a character sleeps with the disk under their pillow, they’ll awake remembering two dreams with perfect lucidity: the specifics aren’t necessarily the same (though they do tend to be specific), the themes are always the same.
- The character sees themselves stumbling across a windfall of wealth. This dream will always become a reality the following day. If these fruits are fleeting… such is the nature of wealth.
- The character sees death. Most often, this takes the form of a messy stillbirth… but not always.
The death is always that of one of the character’s descendants, always the farthest out into the future. A line destined to run one hundred generations… becomes one destined to run ninety-nine. If yet unborn (or even unconceived): the final scion of the line dies in the womb. If the character’s legacy is not to be a long one (ie: there are no future, unborn descendants) , the death will be that of one of their children; sudden, violent. If the character has no children, and will have no children: they’ll dream of their own sudden, violent, inescapable death.
As with the dreams of wealth, the dreams of death will always become a reality.
A character can dream above the Ekkeko-Supay disk as many evenings as they’d like. Until they run out of descendants, of course.