I bought up some MonPoc when the game first released, but didn’t get the chance to play it more than twice. I love giant monster movies, so it’s very much in my wheelhouse.
Even though I don’t expect to get the chance to really play it, I picked up a starter for the new version anyway because I like the idea of the game so much.
I painted everything I had up this past weekend. This was a speed-paint job: I did the airbrushing of the armor plates last weekend, then blew through the flesh on Sunday. It could be better, but I’m very satisfied with the effort to result ratio here.
Also, now I’ll be able to play the game (or not).
I’ve got a new phone, so a new camera, and it did weird things with colors in response to my usual backdrop. I took these in front of the white, and they came out more true, but still weird.
Work to be done, clearly.
Not much going on here. The armor is:
- GW Stegadon Green
- GW Thunderhawk Blue
- VMC Dark Blue Grey
- VMC Blue Grey Pale
Everything airbrushed on going for contrast save the Blue Grey Pale, which was edged on with a brush. I also inked in around mouths with thinned GW Incubi Darkness
The flesh is lazy; just trying to not draw the eye away from the armor:
- VMC Dark Grey
- GW Stormvermin Fur
- VMC Neutral Grey
- GW Dawnstone
All drybrushed on.