I’ve been powering through painting Monsterpocalypse and am, for the moment, fully painted. I haven’t been doing my best on them, to be honest; I’m just trying to get them painted quickly so I can play with them.

I’ve posted these guys before, but have added more units and the second Planet Eater monster since. I’m quite pleased with them; I think the colors are effective and the sharp lines of the armor really worked well with the airbrush.

I like and hate these guys. I think the color choices are strong here, but the execution is shit. I went about these guys absolutely the wrong way, and that meant they took three times longer than they should have.

I haven’t picked up the Cthul monsters yet, but the units painted up in no time at all.

I also picked up the Protectors starter. I probably won’t go further down this rabbit hole, but I’m pleased with how they came out. They’re painted Citadel-style: basecoat, wash with Agrax, clean up basecoat with same colors, highlight.

The buildings were a huge pain. Airbrushing them worked okay… except windows SUCK to paint. They are hell. The skyscraper back there looks like I was having a seizure while painting them. I finally gave up on getting them any better and just moved on.

Special shout-out to Phalanx Consortium for their Apartment Buildings. Not only were these a breeze to paint (I got to paint the windows before building them!), but they literally delivered overnight. I ordered them on a Thursday and they were in-hand that Friday.