
Kragnos painted up in like a day or two. Very satisfied with him.
These Skaven bastards are what had me jammed up for, like, a month. I bought and built them ages ago when the kits were first released (during WHFB 8E) and never got around to painting them. Decided to do them on a lark, to go with the Saga Skaven I’d painted last year and boy was that a mistake: I had to paint an army of Morats to find momentum on them again.
These guys got pretty frustrating to me pretty quickly. The kits are pretty straightforward and modular, but I kept running into places where I just had to trust that plastic cement would hold a weapon in place… only to be let down. Even worse, as I painted them, I was constantly reminded that I built these models before getting my new glasses: there was an upsetting amount of flash and burrs that I should have and could have removed but for whatever reason was still present after being primed and basecoated.
But, they’re done, and with a simple scheme: basecoat, highlight, then everything got oil washed. I’d have liked to do decals but the CNCS decals just didn’t work for me and I wanted to get these guys done.
Hugely productive weekend; need to get the lightbox out. Finished my Heavy Gear and Kragnos, made some good progress on some other unfinished stuff. No complaints!
Heavy Gear is varnished and waiting for oils and, maybe, decals. So on to the next thing.
Can you believe I seriously thought I’d finish all this over the holiday weekend?
I’m almost highlighted up on a third of them. The largest third, so it should be downhill from here, but still.
Between Dominion preorders, some deals on Gargants, and just a bunch of stuff for Bushido: June freaking sucked for buying new minis.
I got a LOT painted but, uh, definitely more came in than went out by a factor.
So, time to get things back into balance. No new minis in July.
I tried this back in September, and was fully successful: I painted about 20 Crimson Fists and some Ambots and didn’t buy a blessed mini.
And really, I shouldn’t need any minis: I’ve got a lot on deck: Heavy Gear is on the painting table. I finally sorted out the last bit I need to wrap up my outstanding Orc models. I’ve got a stack of goddamn giants on my table and Dominion shows up this weekend. I should be good. Should.