Tag Archives: gaming

Further Skaven thoughts

Won my game on Tuesday. We rolled Dawn Attack, which helped me out a lot: most of his units were cramped into one flank while I got spread much units pretty evenly, with a number of units to place wherever I wanted.

My list was basically the one I’ve been running, but with the third clanrat unit dropped in favor of a Warp-Lightning Cannon and a Plagueclaw Catapult; I’ve really not spending enough of my Rare allowance and I wanted to give them a try.  Unfortunately, neither really got the chance to do much.  So, I’ll have to experiment with them some more.

Here’s the list I’ll be running next week:

Skaven – 2,500 points

Warlord (General) – Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Protection, Warlock-Augmented Weapon

Chieftain (BSB) –  Shield, Storm Banner
Warlock Engineer – Lvl 2, Doomrocket, Warp-Energy Condenser
Warlock Engineer – Lvl 2, Dispel Scroll

Clanrats x29 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Clanrats x29 – Full Command, Shields
– Doom Flayer
Skavenslaves x30 – Champion, Musician, Shields
Skavenslaves x29 – Champion, Musician, Shields
Stormvermin x30 – Full Command, Banner of the Under-Empire
– Poisoned Wind Mortar

Gutter Runners x6 – Slings, Poisoned Attacks
Rat Ogres x6 – Master-Bred, Packmaster x3
Rat Ogres x6 – Master-Bred, Packmaster x3

Plagueclaw Catapult
Warp Lightning Cannon

So, with a few games under my belt:

Dumping the sixth big block of troops worked really well for me: I’ve had problems getting in my own way with so many blocks.  I’m continuing to spend those points on war machines, in the name of science.

I’m really happy with the Warlord’s kit.  He’s hard to kill, with a 3+/4+ and kills hard enough with 5 S5 Attacks.  Ditto with the BSB.  Stormbanner’s far too key to Skaven survivability, and I can’t think of a better banner for him to take.  The Engineers have done well by me, though I need to learn to hold  on to the Doomrocket a little longer: if I wait a turn or two, I won’t have to shoot as far, won’t have to roll as many dice, and will be more accurate.

The Mortars have done okay by me so far.  The Doom Flayer hasn’t really had the chance to shine, though.  It should get a respectable number of wounds, though, which will offset the lack of killiness of the clanrats.

I’ve been incredibly pleased with the blocks of 30 Slaves.  At 20 Slaves, I felt that the unit wasn’t worth taking at any cost.  At 30, things are very different.  They will be Steadfast.  When they blow up, they will cause a respectable number of wounds.  I hated them at 20.  I like them, a lot, at 30.  Now I’m going to try them out with a Champion: he won’t make a difference in terms of CR, but he’ll keep more bodies in the unit, which will help with the Steadfast/Cornered Rats.  I might even drop the Musician; it’s not like I flee with these guys any more: they’re better at controlling enemy units holding them in place than drawing them into hard-to-fail charges.

Clanrats are clanrats.  They don’t really kill much of anything.  The Parry save has made them a little more survivable, I’ve found.  They don’t win combat any more… Static 5 CR is now Static 4 CR and that’s worth precious little now, but they don’t go anywhere.  Steadfast + Strength In Numbers means they just grind away at the enemy (which is effective, though not especially dramatic) or they hold them long enough to get the Stormvermin or Rat Ogres into the flank.

One them I have learned, though, is that if Slaves are in the front, I do not want to flank.  They give up so many wounds that it just means whatever I’m flanking with is going to lose combat, too.

I’ve replaced them with Gutter Runners, which will be more dangerous (even at half the model count) with with a higher WS/BS/I, and Poison.  Plus they should be more effective at countering war machines with the improved Scout rules and Sneaky Infiltrators.

I’ve dropped the Night Runners.  They really haven’t impressed me at all.  The only time they’ve really shone is when 10 of them held a building against a bunch of Ogres: the Building rules had them throwing out 20 attacks, which looked kind of nasty.  Every other time, they’ve done little more than ineffectually plink some slings against models.

I love the Rat Ogre units more and more every time I run them.  The Master-Bred goes before most things, and the Rat Ogres go before a lot of things.  21 S5 attacks by Initiative 4 really adds a lot of punch that the Skaven need help with.  The Packmasters and Stomp attacks don’t hurt, either.  Easily my favorite unit, post-8th.

Skaven List

I’ve fiddled a bit with the list I ran on Tuesday, and I think I’ve got it in a state ready for Tuesday.

8th Test Army
Skaven – 2,500 points

Warlord (General) – Bonebreaker, Shield, Warlock-Augmented Weapon, (Heavy Armor w/ 4+ Ward save)*

Chieftain (BSB) –  Shield, Storm Banner
Warlock Engineer – Lvl 2, Dispel Scroll, Warp-Energy Condenser
Warlock Engineer – Lvl 2, Doomrocket

Clanrats x29 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Clanrats x29 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Clanrats x29 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Night Runners x10 – Sling
Night Runners x10 – Sling
Stormvermin x30 – Full Command
Skavenslaves x20
Skavenslaves x20

Rat Ogres x6 – Master-Bred, Packmaster x3
Rat Ogres x6 – Master-Bred, Packmaster x3


* Whatever it’s called.

Some thoughts:

– If what I’ve heard about having to use non-hand weapons if you have them is true, shields are worthless on Stormvermin, as they must always use their halberds.  I think I’m at peace with that: their save w/o shield is the same as that of the clanrats with them.

– Part of me wants to take more Slaves, but I don’t see the points.  I’d have to cash in a block of Clanrats for them, which I don’t think would do me much good.

– Doomrocket’s back in.

– The Warlord’s kind of juiced up now: he’ll have a 3+/4+ save and will spit out ten S 5 attacks.  A bit pricey, though.  I could see dropping the WAW for something cheaper + Slaves, maybe.

Warhammer 8th Ed Game

Last night, I got in my first real game of Warhammer 8th.  I’d sorta played a game last week against Jeff but, it sorta fell apart halfway through (so I don’t think it counts).

Played against Joey’s Ogre Kingdoms.

My list:

8th Edition Test Army
Skaven – 2,500 points

Warlord (General) – Bonebreaker, Foul Pendant, Shield of Distraction

Chieftain (BSB) –  Shield, Storm Banner
Warlock Engineer – Lvl 2, Warplock Pistol, Warp-Energy Condenser
Warlock Engineer – Lvl 2, Warplock Pistol,Dispel Scroll

Clanrats x30 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Clanrats x30 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Clanrats x30 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Night Runners x10 – Slings
Night Runners x10 – Slings
Skavenslaves x20 – Slings
Skavenslaves x20 – Slings
Skavenslaves x20 – Slings
Stormvermin x30 – Full Command

Rat Ogres x6 – Master-bred, Packmaster x3
Rat Ogres x6 – Master-bred, Packmaster x3


Joey’s list was something along the lines of:

Tyrant (General) – Siegebreaker

Bruiser (BSB) – Ragbanner
Butcher – Dispel Scroll, Rock Eye
Butcher – Hellheart

Bulls x10 – Full Command
Ironguts x10 – Full Command
Gnoblar Trappers x8

Leadbelchers x2
Leadbelchers x2
Gnoblar Scraplauncher

Maneaters x4 – Different Weapons

I pretty much immediately regretted forgetting to take the Doomrocket.  My mortars hit with pretty disturbing accuracy, but only managed to do a wound or so a turn.

The first half of the game was extremely grim.  Ogres are, now, pretty disgusting.  With so many attacks being pitched around, static CR isn’t worth very much.  And, when you have to do so many wounds to remove models (like with Ogres), I didn’t stand a chance of winning a combat.  Ranked Bull Charges didn’t help, either.

Fortunately, Steadfast really came through and helped my units stick around for the most part.

The tide started to turn when I was able to get Cracks Call off and trash his Tyrant, who’d been leading his Ironguts in a protracted battle against Stormvermin to the front (and Slaves to the flank).  By that point, we’d whittled down the Ironguts and Stormvermin to about half strength (and chased the Slaves off).  The lack of the death of my Bonebreaker Warlord made room for another six Stormvermin to step up and the extra attacks wrapped up the unit.

Then, a block of Rat Ogres (the other one was liquified by a Bull Ogre + Bruiser Bull Charge) got charged by the Maneaters and wrecked face.  It was pretty cool.

We didn’t calculate VP, but at the end of the game it was pretty close.  I had Warlock Engineers x2, a full Clanrat block, most of a Stormvermin block, most of a Rat Ogre block, two Mortars and the Doomwheel.  He had his Bruiser and the Ironguts, the Scraplauncher and, I think, a Maneater.

Overall, I think the army did pretty well; I’m probably going to stick with this and tweak it a bit for the next few games.  Need to fit in the Doomrocket, and will probably juggle weapon teams, but this’ll be where I start from.

Goodbye, NoVA Open

Yesterday, I learned that the IFL Calendar (where I get all my info for gaming events) incorrectly listed the NoVA Open as being on the 7th.  It’s on the 14th.

Unfortunately, so is a good friend’s wedding.  So, even though the NoVA Open is only about 5 minutes from where I normally game, I’m not going to be there.  Depending on how pre-nuptial events go down, I have a hope of swinging by and helping set up the day before (because I’d like to be involved in some fashion or another), but that’s certainly not a lock yet.

This is quite disappointing to me, especially as my excitement for the event had really been picking up.  Now, I just need to let my excitement about the wedding crush the disappointment about the Open.

You folks have fun without me.  (If such a thing is possible.)

Did some gaming

Taking evil_tendencies’ advice, I’ve not touched the Bloodcrushers in about a week.  They mock me from the hobby section of my desk, however.   Although I didn’t do much in the way of painting, I did get to play a couple of games.

vs. Tyranids

I got out to play a game with Casey on Saturday; I’d intended to do a pretty detailed battle report of the game… but hadn’t sufficiently prepared to do that.  So, instead, we just played the game and took some pictures.  Game was Seize Ground, Dawn of War deployment at 2,000 points.

It was a rough game: between Dawn of War and infiltrating Genestealers, he did a pretty good job of controlling where I could come in.  The first half of the game was spent with my Bloodcrushers tying up his Tyrant while I fed units to his Genestealers.

I won’t say that things turned around when my Bloodthirsters came in, but I certainly felt a lot better about myself.  The ‘Thirsters smacked into his squad of Zoanthropes and Warriors: the combat against his Zoanthropes  wasn’t amazing, but the one with his Warriors kind of was.  Unfortunately, after blowing through the Warriors, the thirster was stuck in the open, facing two Carnifex, a Trygon, Old One Eye and some Raveners.  

I fought for a draw, but it wasn’t in the cards.  I’m okay with that: the list I ran was my 2K Battle for the Cure list, which was tossed together with a “how few extra models will I have to paint” mindset and hasn’t been updated since.  That, and Casey’s a very strong player: there’s no shame in getting tabled by him.   (At least I hope not, ’cause it happens kind of often.)

vs. Chaos Space Marines

Last night, I got in a game with Mike U., someone I don’t think I’ve ever played before.  He was running Chaos Space Marines; the game Capture & Control, Spearhead deployment.  1,500 points.

This was an extremely close game, with a ton of back and forth.  We both had some really shockingly bad dice rolls that made the game look hopeless… only to have things start looking up when the other would have a horrible roll.

Fought it out to the end with a draw.  Had the game ended on Turn 5, I think I’d have won: he was out of Troops and I had some Bloodletters on an objective with one of his Rhinos ~3.5″ away.  It ran into Turn 6, though, and his Greater Daemon was able to wipe out all that remained of my Bloodletters (never mind his Rhino being able to move closer to the objective and contest).

All in all, a really good, close, fun game.

This Saturday, I should be getting in another couple of games: I’ll be running my Dark Angels against Kevin K’s beautiful Tau Empire army (I wish I could find pictures of it from Games Day Baltimore 2009’s Armies on Parade) which I’m going to try to do a detailed, photo-heavy battle report about.  Then I’ll be doing a NoVA Open practice game against Casey, which will see me trying out some new units I’ve never run before.  (Need to decide if I like them before I kill myself modelling them.)

Tuesday Gaming

I got to play a pair of games on Tuesday:

I started out the afternoon running through a game of Malifaux with Chris.

By the end of the game, most everything had come back to me, which was nice.  At some point, I might actually feel comfortable with the game.  I screwed up in a number of ways, though: paying for my Master (so I played 4 Soulstones down) and only drawing five cards (six is a weird number!).

I really appreciate that Chris keeps putting Rasputina up against my Sonia Criid: it’s a really bad matchup for him / good matchup for me.  I’m sure he’s doing it because he likes running Rasputina, but I have a hard time believing he’s not, in some way, intentionally throwing me some easy (well, easier) games.

Then, I got in a game of 40K with Jay.

Jay ran his Howling Griffons (Space Marines w/ White Scars build), I ran my Khornate Daemons.

As usual, my army has kind of a hard time dealing with other armies that pull the same “We’ll all come in turn one” or “We’ll all come in from reserves” trick that they have to.  So much of the army’s “mobility” comes from that initial Deep Strike.  Also, I blew my “Daemonic Assault” roll (which is usual for me).

Jay kept everything off the table, and rolled a Land Raider (with Assault Termies and a Librarian0 and a Rhino (with a generic Tactical Squad) on the table turn one.  Speeders with Heavy Flamers came in from Reserve and everything else Outflanked.

The game was… I won’t say it was close, but I definitely had him on the ropes.  If I’d been able to knock out a Speeder, it’d have gone differently, I think… but I was unable to hit once with something like 10 charging Bloodletters.  Those Heavy Flamers really fried my Troops.

In the end, he won with three objectives to my none; if we’d had more time to see if we could get in more rounds (we stopped at Round 5 since the store was closing), I probably could have done something about a couple of his Troops… but probably not enough to turn it into a win.

I did take a couple of pictures, since I had my new camera with me and everything was painted.  Here are the rest of them:

‘Ard Boyz 2010 – Preliminaries

So… I’d typed up a fairly lengthy post about ‘Ard Boyz at Game Vault on Sunday and, in a first, Blogger ate it.

I am… displeased.

Because I don’t have the energy to rewrite everything, I’ll summarize.  Fortunately, I typed up the army lists in notepad so I can salvage them, at least.

  • Got stomped, hard: Minor Loss, Minor Victory, Massacred.
  • Had a great time: three good games against three great opponents, despite the stomping.
  • Didn’t play any MEQs, which is a shame, as I’d have done better against them.
  • Did poorly against IG, Chaos Daemons.
  • Game Vault was, as always, great.
  • The guy running the tournament did a lousy job.

My list:

Deathwing ‘Ard Boyz
2,500 points

Belial – Sword of Silence, Storm Bolter
Grey Knight Grandmaster – Nemesis Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, Psychic Hood, Ungents of Warding

Deathwing Terminators x5 – Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Terminators x5 – Lightning Claws x1, Thunder Hammer, Heavy Flamer
Deathwing Terminators x5 – Lightning Claws x1, Chainfist, Assault Cannon

Deathwing Terminator Command Squad x5 – Apothecary, Standard, Lightning Claws x3, Thunder Hammer x1, Chainfist,  Heavy Flamer
Deathwing Terminators x5 – Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Terminators x5 – Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Terminators x5 – Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Terminators x5 – Lightning Claws x1, Chainfist, Assault Cannon
Deathwing Terminators x5 – Lightning Claws x1, Chainfist, Assault Cannon

Game 1:
Got a Minor Loss against Hunter’s Imperial Guard; four models left on the table, contesting three objectives.

Company Command Squad x5 – Straken, Meltagun x3, Medic
– Chimera
Company Command Squad x5 – Plasmagun x3, Bolt Pistol x1, Medic
– Chimera

Stormtroopers x7 – Meltagun x2

Veterans x10 – Grenade Launchers x3, Autocannon x1
– Chimera
Veterans x10 – Meltagun x3
– Chimera
Veterans x10 – Plasmagun x1, Flamer x1, Grenade Launcher x1
– Chimera
Veterans x10 – Flamer x1

Fast Attack
Hellhounds x2
Hellhounds x2 – Multimelta x1

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Demolisher- Lascannon, Plasma Cannon Sponsons
Leman Russ Demolisher- Lascannon, Plasma Cannon Sponsons
Leman Russ Demolisher- Lascannon, Multimelta Sponsons

Game 2:
I pulled out a Minor Victory against Beau’s Imperial Guard. It’d have been a Major Victory had my ninth squad come in before we ran out of time.

Company Command Squad x5 – Straken, Medic, Regimental Standard, Voxcaster
– Chimera
Commissar Yarrick

Stormtroopers x10 – Flamer x1, Grenade Launcher x1, Plasma Pistol
Stormtroopers x10 – Flamer x1, Grenade Launcher x1, Plasma Pistol

Infantry Platoon
– Command Squad x10 – Meltagun x3, Voxcaster
– Infantry Squad x10 – Flamer x1, Grenade Launcher x1, Plasma Pistol
– Infantry Squad x10 – Flamer x1, Grenade Launcher x1, Plasma Pistol
– Infantry Squad x10 – Commissar, Power Weapon, Voxcaster
– Infantry Squad x10 – Commissar, Power Weapon
– Infantry Squad x10 – Commissar, Power Weapon
– Infantry Squad x10 – Commissar, Power Weapon
– Special Weapons Squad x10 – Grenade Launcher x1, Plasmagun x2
Veteran Squad x10 – Heavy Bolter, Plasmagun x3, Voxcaster
– Chimera
Veteran Squad x10 – Meltagun x3, Plasma Pistol, Voxcaster
– Chimera
Veteran Squad x10 – Flamer x3, Grenade Launcher x2, Plasma Pistol, Voxcaster
– Chimera

Fast Attack
Hellhound x1

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Battle Tank – Lascannon
Leman Russ Battle Tank – Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Leman Russ Demolisher – Lascannon, Multi-melta Sponsons

Game 3:
Dan’s Chaos Daemons Massacred me.

Bloodthirster – Blessings, Death Strike, Unholy Might

Bloodcrushers x4 – Fury, Icon, Musician
Bloodcrushers x4 – Fury, Icon, Musician
Flamers x5 – Bolt

Bloodletters x20 – Icon, Musician
Horrors x5 – Bolt, Changeling
Horrors x5 – Bolt
Horrors x5 – Bolt

Heavy Support
Daemon Prince – Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt, Daemonic Gaze, Unholy Might
Daemon Prince – Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt, Daemonic Gaze, Unholy Might
Daemon Prince – Mark of Slaanesh, Flight, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Pavane

Daemon Lists

Rattling around in between thinking about Tau Empire (Chris K. knocked me upside the head with a huge info dump about them that I need to process before I post about Tau again) has been some thinking about my Daemons.

Tournament List

I’m going to NoVA Open (ticket #7) and I’m also considering going to Battle for Blob’s Park, both will 2,000 point events.

I’ve got a 2,000 point list: I put it together for the Battle for the Cure about two months ago.  That event had some non-standard composition rules (that discouraged the inclusion of vehicles).  Plus, I’ve slowly accrued enough Bloodcrushers to field a second quartet of them.  So, I’ve been thinking about how to adjust my 2,000 point list for something somewhat more competitive.  This is what I’m eyeballing now.

Maximum Khornage
2,000 points

Bloodthirster – Unholy Might
Bloodthirster – Unholy Might

Bloodcrushers x4 – Fury, Icon, Instrument
Bloodcrushers x4 – Fury, Icon, Instrument

Bloodletters x8 – Fury, Icon
Bloodletters x8 – Fury

Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds x8 – Fury
Flesh Hounds x8 – Fury

Heavy Support
Daemon Prince – Flight, Iron Hide
Soul Grinder – Phlegm
Soul Grinder – Phlegm

This looks a lot like the list I ran at BftC, but with 16 Bloodletters (instead of 24), Soul Grinders instead of Daemon Princes, and a Bloodcrushers doubled down.  No Karanak, but I’m okay with that.

I could easily drop the Daemon Prince.  A third Soul Grinder in its place would be nasty, but I only have the two and don’t feel like building a third.  Plus, I like that I have this Khorny, factor of two thing going (things come in 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16); 1 Daemon Prince and 2 ‘Grinders fits that pattern better than 3 ‘Grinders.

I could do a third squad of Bloodletters, but they’re really the weakest unit in my list.  Otherwise, I’m pretty happy with the list.  What do folks think?

This means that I need to assemble, convert and paint four Bloodcrushers between now and August (for the NoVA Open) or June 5 (for the Blob’s Park).  Totally feasible.

Kill Team

I’ve also been thinking about what I’d put on the table for Kill Team.  I’ve been excited about this variant since learning about it, but I’ve yet to actually be able to play it.  A big part of that is because I haven’t really considered what I’d put on the table for it.  So, two first cuts of what I’d do.

Khorne Team

Bloodcrushers x3 – Fleet x1, Feel No Pain x1, Hit and Run x1
Bloodletters x5

Khorne Team

Bloodcrushers x1 – Fleet x1
Bloodletters x5 – Feel No Pain x1, Hit and Run x1
Flesh Hounds x5

The first list loads up on ugly, violent Bloodcrushers.  The second only takes the one (as a baby HQ) and goes for a higher model count.  In both cases, I take USRs that compensate for Khorne’s weaknesses: a lack of mobility (Fleet, Hit and Run) and a lack of staying power (Feel No Pain).  Most USRs don’t do much for Khornate Daemons: they already have it (Furious Charge, Fearless, Eternal Warrior) or don’t really benefit from it (Stubborn, Counterattack).

I’m sure these could be tighter, but I’m okay with that.  At least I know what I’d pull out of the case at this point.

‘Ard Boyz Practice Game

I finished assembling the last 99.99% of the Deathwing Terminators I need for this weekend’s ‘Ard Boyz.  All I need at this point, really, is a hooded head from the Veterans sprue for a sergeant and I can call it done.  (And, for the purposes of ‘Ard Boyz, that’s not a biggie.)

That’s it.  All 47 models I’ll be using at ‘Ard Boyz.

I stopped by Game Parlor Woodbridge yesterday to drop off the Sternguard Veterans and, while I was in town, get in a couple of games with folks with whom I don’t normally get to game.  Since it’s on my mind (and sever other folks’ minds), I brought the Deathwing.

Unfortunately, instead of getting in the two, maybe three, games, it was just the one.  I like chit-chatting, and taking it easy… but I really should start working on getting games to move along at a better clip: I think it’d improve my performance at tournaments and (more importantly) help ensure I get to play more games outside of tournaments.

I played against Steve Schweitzer’s Salamanders.  His list (from memory) was something very much like this:

Librarian – Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Avenger, Null Zone

Assault Terminators x9 – Thunder Hammer / Storm Shield x9
– Land Raider Crusader – Multi-melta, Storm Bolter
Sternguard Veterans x10 – Heavy Flamer, Combi-Flamer x4, Meltagun, Combi-Melta x4
– Drop Pod
Sternguard Veterans x10 – Heavy Flamer, Combi-Flamer x4, Meltagun, Combi-Melta x4
– Drop Pod

Scout Squad x10 – Telion, Sniper Rifle x8, Heavy Bolter
Tactical Squad x10 – Flamer, Multi-melta, Powerfist
– Drop Pod
Tactical Squad x10 – Meltagun, Multi-melta, Powerfist
– Drop Pod

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad x5 – Plasma Cannon x2, Lascannon x1
Thunderfire Cannon

I’m pretty confident that that list is off, since it prices out to 2580.  Not sure what I’m remembering that wasn’t there, though.  My confidence in the loadouts of the Tactical squads is particularly low.

I was running the list I talked about here.

Since it was ‘Ard Boyz practice, we randomly rolled for a mission from the list of scenarios, and ended up with #3: “Kill Da Fast Ones.”  Basically, Annihilation with Pitched Battle deployment, save that models that can move > 6″ in a round are worth 3KP and HQs are worth 2KP.

The game was incredibly brutal.

His Assault Terminators ate two and a half squads of Deathwing Terminators: taking hardly any casualties until the Deathwing Command Squad started puking up Lighting Claw wounds that allowed probability to start catching up and getting through the Storm Shields.

I made a huge mistake and put Belial (and five Terminators) up against Vulkan (and five Sternguard).  Poor rolling didn’t help, but they didn’t really stand a chance against Vulkan, who took damn near everything threw at him.  Only finally, in the next-to-last round of the game, was the Grandmaster able to get a single wound through Vulkan’s Kesare’s Mantle.  It was a Force Weapon, though, so thankfully that’s all I needed.  That’s good, because he died at the same time.

I made another mistake at the end and assaulted a tactical squad with two terminators in the last round of the game.  I didn’t have to.  They couldn’t have killed the whole squad.  Instead, they were wiped out and gave up another KP.

I had two mishaps: one was a lost in the Warp, the other allowed him to place the squad.  (The remnants of whom I just mentioned crashing against a Tactical Squad.)  When your entire army is Deep Striking, you must make peace with mishaps… but it’s a lot easier to swallow when the squad mishapping only costs ~160 points and not ~250.  Could have been worse, though.

The Grandmaster was a champ.  He killed Vulkan, and shut down half of the Librarian’s psychic powers.  A Strength 6 Force Weapon with (4 base + 1 charging + 1 Deathwing Company Standard) 6 attacks ain’t no joke, son, either.  I need to decide if I think I can get away with just using my Librarian model, or if someone’s going to give me grief that he’s not a Grey Knight on Sunday.

At the end of the game, I had 2 models left on the table.  Two models, one in each squad.  I gave up 11KP and took 13KP.  It was a brutal, bloody fight: excellent.

In terms of results, I copped a Minor Victory, with probably +2 Battle Points (I’m 99% sure I killed 1,000 points worth of his guys and I had a scoring unit in his deployment zone).  He got +3 Battle Points (he killed 2,000 points of my guys and he had some scoring units in my deployment zone).

A really, really good game.

Hell has frozen over!

There’s a FAQ out for War of the Ring!

It’s not quite where they normally hide FAQs, but you can find it here.

Haven’t really started reading it yet, but any FAQ > no FAQ.


And, there it is:

Q. Does an Epic Strike affect the Hero’s fight for both a Heroic duel and the ensuing fight?
A. Yes – there’s gonna be a whuppin’.

I think this is a mistake… but at least it settles the question.