Of course I finish this project, where I started: the Cult Agents. The idea of these guys is what actually pushed me to start executing on the whole force.

The Kellermorph is it. The Baetrum model is what got me thinking about a Genestealer Cult compromising more than just the miners – the planetary administration. (Don’t get me wrong: I like the miners, too.) All about that crazy wig. Conversion is minor: an extra arm (this guy actually required two Baetrum models) and some greenstuff’d forehead ridges on his head and pauldron.

This guy’s the first model I bought. Like most of these, just a headswap and maybe hands.

I can’t use a Magus in Kill Team but the conversion was kind of demanded by the Scrutinator model, so I did the thing.

She’s my favorite, I think. I wish there were more female Cultist heads available: just two (the Magus and in the Achilles kit), but I guess two is better than nothing.

I’m mostly underwhelmed by this. He’s fine. I like the monocle. I hate the decision I made with the sash, but can’t come up with an alternative.