Testament to how nuts November has been that I’m only now getting around to posting my Orktober project: some Orks from PuppetsWar.

Testament to how nuts November has been that I’m only now getting around to posting my Orktober project: some Orks from PuppetsWar.
This is most of the Crooked Dice 7TV Horror Starter Pack / Paranormal Exterminators #1 pack. I didn’t bother photographing the other ghosts that came in it, because they’re nothing special (a clown, a headless guy, a spooky pumpkinhead guy)
These guys were a lot of fun to paint: going from so many detailed and ornate GW sculpts to simple minis (which I classify as “historical” in my mind), was a breath of fresh air.
Bases are boring but I didn’t want to wait for a base STL KS to deliver before proceeding with these guys.
I painted Slimer with fluorescents, as well as a couple of lights on the ‘Busters. Wish I’d thought to get his teeth reactive; that’d have been fun.