Tag Archives: Skaven
20120714 CGL RTT
Have I seriously not posted about the tournament last weekend? Time to fix that!
Last weekend was a CGL RTT: one of our members was going in for hip replacement a couple of days later (I had mentioned that our club is generally a somewhat older crowd, right?), so the goal was to cram in a bunch of games before he had to be off his feet for several months.
It as a 2,800 point tournament, and folks could spend up to 25% of their points on Scrolls of Binding. While I didn’t do this (the only thing I could really do with that would be to run the Fimir, and I’ve found him to be a disappointment), several folks did: I saw some stuff from both Storm of Magic and Monstrous Arcanum on tables. I reallylike this in the context of a local RTT: it gives space for folks to play with goofy, neat stuff like that and really doesn’t seem to be all that unbalancing.
This was a week ago, so details will likely be a smidge fuzzy.
I waffled about whether or not to take Empire or Skaven: I’m playing the former, but the latter is fully painted. In the end, I decided to run the Skaven: a tournament’s a tournament after all. It was, I think, the right choice.
2,800 – Skaven RTT List
Warlord (General) – War-Litter, Shield
Grey Seer – Ruin, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Endurance
Grey Seer – Plague, Foul PendantHeroes
Chieftain (BSB) – Shield, Armour of Destiny
Plague Priest – Flail, Plague Furnace
Warlock Engineer – DoomrocketCore
Clanrats x32 – Full Command, Shields
– Warpfire Thrower
Skavenslaves – Champion, Musician, Shields
Stormvermin x27 – Full Command, Stormbanner
– Warpfire ThrowerSpecial
Plague Monks x26 – Full Command, Plague Banner
Gutter Runners x6 – Slings, Poison
Gutter Runners x6 – Slings, PoisonRare
Hell Pit Abomination – Warpstone Spikes
Plagueclaw Catapult
Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon
So, nothing terribly unusual for me, save for the second Grey Seer, the Catapult, and the swapping of Mortars for Warpfire Throwers (and I’ve already talked about those).
Game 1
Minor Loss vs. Phil’s Tomb Kings
Phil, as it turns out, lives nearby: on the other side of Manassas (in NoVA terms, that’s effectively next door). Given that we had a great game, I probably should try to roll dice with him more often. (This is a theme for the day).
He was running a monster-heavy list (Tombzilla? Sphinxilla?), and with so many enormously big bastards and such high Toughness scores… I just couldn’t break through it all.
2,800 – Phil’s Tomb Kings
Khatep (General)Heroes
Liche Priest – Lvl 2, Dispel ScrollCore
Archers x22 – Standard
Chariots x3
Chariots x7 – StandardSpecial
Tomb Guard x37 – Champion, Standard, Halberds
Warsphinx – Breath Weapon
Caset of Souls
Neither of us play very quickly, so we wrapped at Turn 3. It’s tough to say where the game would have been had we pushed on through Turn 4.
The key turning point in the game was when my Hellpit Abomination had rolled into his Tomb Guard to the front and stuck around; one of his Warsphinxes moved forward and stood on their flank… exposing its flank to the Plague Monks. The Monks charged it and, if they’d been able to beat it in combat, they’d have rolled forward into the Tomb Guard, gotten two combats in with their Plague Banner, and put Khatep in base-to-base combat with the Plague Priest. If I’d won that combat, man, I’d have gotten a very solid win.
It wasn’t to be: I don’t care how many attacks, rerolling to hit and wound… if you’re not able to successfully cast Bless with Filth on ’em, you’re going to have some trouble getting through T8. In hindsight, I should have gone for the Irresistible Force on it; that’s how key it was. Instead of blowing through the Spinx, the Plague Monks did some damage… but then took flank and rear charges from the two units of Chariots.
Game 2
Massacre vs. Bill’s High Elves
2,800 – Bill’s High Elves
Noble (BSB) – Great Weapon, Armour of DestinyCore
Archers x14 – Musician
Lothern Sea Guard x40 – Full Command, Shields, Banner of Eternal FlameSpecial
Phoenix Guard x30 – Full Command, Warrior Bane, Banner of Sorcery
Swordmasters of Hoeth x25 – Full Command, Ironcurse Icon, Gleaming PennantRare
Great Eagle
Great EagleScrolls of Binding
Great Dragon
Second game was against the Man of the Hour… and I felt pretty bad about it.
I went first and, before he had the chance to do anything, I’d Gutter Runner’d his Eagles to bits and used both Warp-Lighting Cannons to pop his Dragon. It goes without saying that this was a big deal. IIRC, due to deployment, I was actually even able to kill something like half of his Swordmasters with Warpfire Throwers, as well.
The scenario was a variant of The Watchtower, and although Bill started in control of it, I was able to (on a number of occasions), Curse of the Horned Rat the Elves occupying it… eventually converting Teclis into a loathsome ratman.
Bills only real defense was to spam Final Transmutation, which was effective in killing a lot of models (but not units) and making me really nervous about my characters (though he only managed to tag my Warlord after several tries).
In the end, I tabled him… and even though nobody likes getting tabled, I’m reasonably certain I made the process as pleasant as possible.
Game 3
Minor Win vs. Cody’s Orc’s & Goblins
I don’t have a copy of Cody’s list to post… and I was a bit preoccupied through the game, so I can’t recreate his list. It was a fairly standard O&G list: deep units of Night Goblins with Fanatics, some Mangler Squigs, a bunch of Doom Divers and Bolt Throwers; he also ran three Snotling Pump Wagons and an Ettin from Monstrous Arcanum.
Before the game started, I started to feel bad. GPC has some serious air conditioning issues over by the mini gaming tables; they have for years, and it’s persisted even after they fixed their AC system. The main source of this problem isn’t a bunch of gamers: it’s that there’s a kitchen restauant on the other side of the wall on the far side of the tables… the wall I stood next to all day long.
At first, I thought it might have been something from lunch… but in hindsight, I’m quite convinced it was heat exhaution: vertigo, nausea, headache, and a mad dash to the bathroom. Mark, who’s both a gentleman and a scholar, ran out to K-Mart to game some Pepto for me. It was not cool.
I figured I’d worked through most everything, came out and threw down.
Despite feeling pretty terrible, and worrying through the whole game about whether or not I’d have to run back to the bathroom, I didhave a good game; I’m not sure if I’ve played Cody before, and that’s a shame. There was a lot of back-and-forth but, by the end of things, I pulled out a Minor Win. Had we pushed on a bit farther, I think I was positioned to widen that lead, but there weren’t any huge, drastic events. (Like I said, I was preoccupied.)
Overall, despite getting sick near the end (which also knocked me out for Sunday), I had a great time! I had three fun games against folks I don’t normally get to play against, and that’s always a good thing. It’s something I really need to make of point of doing more of: it’s a big group ’round these parts, but I end up just playing against the same handful of folks… I need to broaden my horizons.
Anyway, between the VPs from tabling Bill and points from Players’ Choice votes (thanks, folks!), I ended up coming in second place overall (woot!).
Here are some other pictures of some of the really great armies I didn’t get to play against:
Flames! Flames on the side of your face!
Last Wednesday, I decided to bring Skaven to the RTT over the weekend. I’d rather be playing my Empire, but fully painted at a tournament > not fully painted at a tournament. I jiggered together a list of what I had that I could run painted and, out of fear of having trouble with Ogres, replaced my eternally-disappointing Poisoned Wind Mortars with Warpfire Throwers.
Of course, even though I’m pretty sure I have something like eight or nine (not kidding), I didn’t have any painted. So that’s what I did late last week.
I only spent about two days painting them: Wednesday was prep/assembly/priming. Thursday was painting Friday was staying up late, painting and wishing I were less interested in the Steam Sale.
Here are the results!
I used the Island of Blood models instead of one of the metal ones because plastic > metal and because I’ve found everything in that box paints up lickety-split. I didn’t want two identical models, though, so I tweaked them a bit: I removed the smoke plume from one kit and left off the flaming rat from the other. It doesn’t show in any of the pictures, but I drilled out the smoke stack and both nozzles.
In some ways, I’m pleased with them. I like painting Skaven. It feels like home. They look alright, and really did well the next day.
In other ways, though, all I can do is look at the things I think I did wrong or ran out of time to do.
- That stupid damn flaming rat. Not only did it make it hard to paint the model, the flames look terrible. I hate going back to models, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to go back and fix those ugly, horrible flames. Hate them!
- I think I did the brass / steel items wrong on the flaming device. Does anyone else struggle with that particular decision as much as I do? The contrast is always really important, and here, I think I got it backwards.
- Part of that’s because I wanted to do scorching on the nozzle. If the nozzle had been steel, that’d be easy and it’d look really good. Because it’s brass, I don’t think it’d look as good. As the green flaming rat testifies: it’s better to not do than to do and have it look like ass.
- Too late, it occurred to me that I should have painted the drudge rat lugging the tank like a Skavenslave instead of a Clanrat. Damn, that would have worked really well.
On a related note, I had that Lundbye painting printed off on some tablet-sized cardstock so I could take some glam shots of Empire models I paint.
I think it works well: though I do need to hit it with some varnish to cut down on glare.
Finally, while photographing the Demigryph (again), do you know what I noticed?
Seriously. It’s such a huge damn issue with the Halberdiers, you just don’t even know. I’m so utterly done with pokey shit breaking off of my toy soldiers.
More HDR
What’s wrong with the Ratwyrm?
So, like I said the other day, I’m pretty unhappy with it. There’s just a lot of missteps.
In a way, I’m okay with that. I did 95% of the conversion work on it two years ago. I’ve gotten a lot better since then (though I’d definitely got a long way to go).
I’m also relatively pleased with the painting. Painting large things is definitely a weakness for me; painting large fleshy things even more so. The wings came out pretty well, all things considered.
Anyway, let the parade of failures begin!
Using the old bell was a terrible idea. It weighs nearly as much as the rest of the model; It requires a freaking paperclip to support it. I give myself a pass on this, as I did the conversion quite some time before the new kit had come out… but I still should have considered removing the metal bell and replacing it with the more impressive and easily workable plastic bell.
More importantly: what the hell was I thinking when I rotated the bell that way? I absolutely should have had the symbol facing forward. Having it face the sides was a boneheaded move.
The tail is a more recent addition: I slapped it on there a few weeks ago, just before painting. It’s rough. I clearly need to work on my greenstuff skills a lot more. I started at the base of the tail and worked my way towards the end in batches… as I went, it got progressively better, which is heartening, but the overall result is one I’m dissatisfied with.
I ended up using Rat Ogre hands ’cause I’d misplaced the Dragon’s claws. I like the result a lot, but getting it to work was pretty difficult and, in the process, resulted in a pretty severely mutilated right front paw. I covered for it by painting the incredibly bad greenstuff as boils. I think it worked out okay, but it’s going to keep bothering me.
I dug the notion of having rats hanging on the wings… but I don’t think the result worked out very well. I dunno.
I mean, I can always find stuff wrong with minis I’ve done, but there are just so many goofs with this thing.
Ratwyrm! Finished! Tremble, man-things!
I’ve been working on this guy forever. Like, for over two years. (No exaggeration!)
I started in on the conversion several moths before the new Skaven book came out. Originally, it was supposed to be a Screaming Bell. Then, it sat around six months, waiting for me to crack open a Plague Furnace so I could stick the Grey Seer on it. And, after that, it sat around another year and a half before I did anything else with it.
From Day One, I’d meant to take the Bell Ringer from the last Screaming Bell and have him, hanging by a chain, swinging from the side of the Dragon. Then, at the last minute, I decided it’d be too dang much trouble.
(From Stuff of Legends, used w/o permission.) |
As I said, he started out as a Screaming Bell. With the new book, I considered rebasing it onto a wider, Bell / Abomination base (since I can always run him as an Abomination), but it was sure too be too much trouble; that bell’s metal and needs the pin for support (and that thing was an enormous pain. Besides: I’ve never really run the Bell: I ran him as a dragon in last years’ Dragon Wars; this years’ tournament was the motivator for painting him up. He’s spent most of his life as a dragon, so on a dragon base he’ll stay.
On with the photodump! (It’s kind of a hassle that it’s as large as it is: it’s tough to photograph the whole thing.)
What’s awesome is that, as I’m writing this up, I’ve spotted a few things I missed and need to clean up (painting the pin black, washing the wires on the bell).
Anyway, here’s the finished product. As it turns out, I’m very unhappy about a number of things about it. I’m going to throw this up here, fishing for praise, and then on Thursday point out what’s lousy about it and any of that praise is misplaced. :)
Ratwyrm WIP
Painting Progress – 20111009
It looks like I’m finally near the end of whatever the hell it was I caught at Blob’s. Not only is that objectively fantastic, it means I can actually get back into the swing of things.
I’ve spent the past couple of days prepping Dreadfleet; I’m looking forward to painting that stuff up!
Unfortunately, I’ve still got one (not so) little thing to paint up for Dragon Wars at the end of the month before I can start on it.
The wings are taking forever, but I keep telling myself that that’s okay: it’s 2/3rds wing.
Battle of Blob’s Park Blow-by-Blow
My List
As I’d mentioned, the 2,800 point size was problematic enough for me to not bother trying to bring a Good 2,800 point list; just as good of a “2,500 point list that I have, plus 300 points” as I could manage.
Ratputin Rampages – Blob’s Park
2,800 points
Warlord – General, War-Litter, Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield
Grey Seer – Lvl 4 (Plague 2, Ruin 2), Talisman of Protection
Chieftain – BSB, Shield, Armor of Destiny
Plague Priest – Lvl 1 (Plague), Plague Furnace, Flail, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon
Warlock Engineer – Doomrocket
Warlock Engineer – Ruby Ring of Ruin
Clanrats x30 – Full Command, Shields
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Skavenslaves x50 – Champion, Musician, Shields
Stormvermin x30 – Full Command, Storm Banner
– Poisoned Wind Mortar
Gutter Runners x6 – Poison, Slings
Gutter Runners x6 – Poison, Slings
Plague Monks x31 – Full Command, Plague Banner
Hellpit Abomination – Warpstone Spikes
Plagueclaw Catapult
Warp-Lightning Cannon
Warp-Lightning Cannon
Changes between this and my NoVA list boil down to:
- Sword of s/Anti-Heroes/Might/
- + Ironcurse Icon
- + 10 Stormvermin
- + Warlock w/ Ruby Ring of Ruin
- + Warp-Lightning Cannon
- + Plagueclaw Catapult
Dropping the Sword of Anti-Heroes was something I’d meant to do for NoVA. No problem there. Ironcurse Icon… did nothing, but cost next to nothing, and could have been useful. The Warlock was useless. Clever idea, a waste of points. The Catapult, similarly, was useless. It never delivered anything, but cost 10 points more than the Cannon… which was actually a good pick. If I could have taken three more of them, I would have.
Really, I don’t think it’s possible to overstate my disappointment with the Plagueclaw Catapult. Blech.
Game 1 vs. Warriors of Chaos
Josh A.
This was probably my best game of the day. We were both in great moods and there was a lot of back-and-forth through the game.
Really, I think I was only able to pull out any sort of win due to two seriously bullshit rolls:
– I popped his Manticore on the first turn with the WLC. It was a weak (S 2) bounce that just barely clipped him due to the blast template. That S 2 hit wounded the Manticore on a 6 and then did 4 wounds. Yowza.
– We had a big old scrum between my Monks, a horde of his Marauders and a unit of his Chaos Warriors. He chomped through the Furnace and killed a bajillion Monks. They were sure to break… but instead rolled double ones: holding everyone in place for a flank charges from the Doomwheel and the Clanrats.
It was a really good game that I feel I easily could have (and probably should have) lost.
Game 2 vs. Daemons of Chaos
Quentin B.
This game was rough. He seemed convinced that I was going to steamroll over him and take his lunch money… things very much didn’t work out that way.
I probably deployed badly: I probably should have just kept all of my warmachines in the middle of my deployment zone, protected by everything I had, rather than leaving them on the corners where their protectors could be Siren Song’d into oblivion.
He killed the crap out of me, but it wasn’t a bad game. Things got a little frustrating because of noise (we had trouble hearing each other over the din) and, near the end, his margaritas started catching up with him.. but otherwise, it really was a fun game. Definitely makes me consider trying to conflate a visit to Manly with an appearance at the Quake City Rumble.
Game 3 vs. Chaos Dwarves
Eric. McK.
Between losing a game and playing a fellow club member, I was able to relax and just focus on enjoying the game. This was a brutal, ugly fight. We probably killed something like 50%-75% of each other’s models… but neither of us were really able to seal the deal on that many units. In the end, we had something like 500VP (him) and 300VP (me); a lot of noise but not much payoff for either of us.
Anyway, yeah, it was a good game that took forever. I don’t think we made it to Turn 4.
This was probably the worst game I’ve played in a very, very long time. It was kind of a dick list (~30x Knights, ~30x Outriders, 3x Cannons, 2x Steam Tanks), but that really wasn’t the problem. His attitude at the table was terrible. I could enumerate all of the shitty little things but: he apologized after the game for being a jerk (probably because I lost my temper over something). So, I won’t. (I’ll probably revisit some of them outside of the context of my opponent in a Miss Manners-style post at some point, though.)
It was a rough game that I think I played about as well as I could have, given what I was going up against. I ended up losing by 50VP.
One great game, two good games, and one lousy game isn’t that bad for a tournament.
Warlock Engineer – Ruby Ring of Ruin
The last mini I had to get ready for this past weekend was a Warlock Engineer with the Ruby Ring of Ruin.
I figure that, if I feel like it, I can run him as a Warlord with a Warlock-Augmented Weapon or something.
Here are the WIPs:
And the final product: