So, the army I took was a shortest-path-to-tournament-ready deal. I’d rather be playing Tau right now, but they’re so far from presentable it’s tragic. I considered trying to update my Dark Angels to something I could bring, but ended up settling on my Khornate Daemons.
Casey was an immense help in figuring out what the list needed to look like given the models I had ready to go.
It started out just needing a Bloodletter with Instrument of Chaos. Then, it just needed a Herald of Tzeentch. Then, some travel got cancelled, so I decided to push on and do some Plaguebearers. (As in, I got the call while I was on other travel, and stopped by the game store on the way home from the airport to grab the kits I needed.)
In the end, this is what I ran:

Bloodthirster – Exalted x1, Greater x1
Herald of Khorne – Juggernaut, Wrath, Greater x1, Lesser x1
Herald of Tzeentch – Warlord, Lvl 3, Conjuration, Exalted x1
Flamers x4
Pink Horrors x16 – Champ w/ Lesser x2
Plaguebearers x10 – Champ w/ Lesser x1, Instrument
Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds x16
Heavy Support
Daemon Prince – Khorne, Flying, Armor, Greater x2, Lesser x1
Soul Grinder – Slaanesh, Baleful Torrent
Soul Grinder – Slaanesh, Baleful Torrent
There’s a lot stupid, extraneous upgrades in there, yes. I was pushing to build as few models as possible; that’s why.
I had SO MANY really great games. NoVA scoring is a pretty basic affair: 3’s unbelievably enjoyable game, 2’s an average game, and 1’s a shit, miserable game.
I had 6, 1, 1, respectively.
That said: I didn’t finish hardly any games. Out of 8 games, I think 7 were called for time. Most games had a pace where, when they’d call “30 minutes” we’d agree that we’d get one more full round in. Maybe because we were (in general) chatting too much?
Also, I really dropped the ball on photographing my opponents armies. I always do that, and I’m really annoyed with myself that I neglected to this time. Sorry, guys.
Day 1
Game 1 – Sisters of Battle with Imperial Guard
Saint Celestine – Warlord
Primaris Psyker
Uriah Jacobus
Battle Sisters x10 – Meltagun x2
– Rhino – Dozer Blade
Battle Sisters x10 – Meltagun x2, Meltabombs
– Rhino – Dozer Blade
Infantry Platoon
– Command Squad x5
– Infantry x10 – Plasmagun, Power Axe
– Infantry x10 – Plasmagun, Power Axe
– Infantry x10 – Plasmagun, Power Axe
– Infantry x10 – Plasmagun, Power Axe
– Infantry x10 – Plasmagun, Power Axe
Seraphim x9, Two Hand Flamers x2, Meltabombs
Seraphim x10, Two Hand Flamers x2
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Retributors x5 – Heavy Bolters x4
I lost, 0-20.
I did a lot wrong here; if I’d played my army ten more times, maybe I’d have considered that in a Kill Point mission, taking the Portalglyph is probably the stupidest thing I could do. I also might have respected the two hand flamers a bit more.
I got my clock cleaned… but I don’t mind. Stephen was a nice dude, and I got the weekend off on about as right a foot as I could with an enjoyable game.
Game 2 – Tyranids
Hive Tyrant – Warlord, Wings, TL Devourer w/ Brainworms x2, Hive Commander, Leech, Paroxysm
Hive Tyrant – Wings, TL Devourer w/ Brainworms x2, Old Adversary, Leech, Paroxysm
Doom of Malan’tai – Mycetic Spore
Tervigon – Crushing Claws, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Tervigon – Crushing Claws, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Tervigon – Crushing Claws, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Termagants x20 – Devourers, Mycetic Spore
Termagants x10 – Fleshborers
Termagants x10 – Fleshborers
Heavy Support
Biovore x2
Biovore x2
I lost, 0-20.
This game was a mess: lots of big monsters and a lot of chaff to wade through to get to them. My Herald of Khorne was MVP, decapitating two Tervigons himself. He didn’t roll Decapitating Blow every round of combat, but when he did, he rolled it a lot.
The game ended on Turn 3, unfortunately. If we’d gotten the rest of the game, I might have been able to turn it around. Things were, frankly, looking pretty dang good for me, but we’d have needed a 5 hour round, I think.
Lots of generated models here: his Tervigons kept pooping out above average sized broods, and I rolled two new units of Daemons on the Warp Storm table.
Game 3 – Tau
Aun’Va – Warlord
XV104 Riptide – TL Plasma Rifle, Ion Accelerator, Shielded Missile Drone x1, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector
XV8 Crisis Suits x3 – TL Plasma Rifle x3, Fusion Blaster x3
XV8 Crisis Suits x3 – TL Plasma Rifle x3, Fusion Blaster x3
Fire Warriors x12
Fire Warriors x12
Fire Warriors x12
Fire Warriors x12
Kroot x20
Fast Attack
Pathfinders x6
Heavy Support
Broadsides x3 – TL Rail Rifle x3, Velocity Tracker x2, Positional Relay x1
Hammerhead – Ion Cannon, Blacksun Filter
Hammerhead – Ion Cannon, Blacksun Filter
I won, 13-7.
Things did not go Zander’s way. First, I Seized Initiative. Then my Soul Grinder Baleful Torrented most of his Kroot to cinders. Then all of my Blood Horrors looked at Aun’Va standing behind a row of Fire Warriors and said, “There’s no way he can make that many cover saves,” and were proven right.
I did some stomping; on the flank with his Fire Warriors, I outshot him with my Horrors. On the Flank with his Broadsides and Riptide, my Hounds, Herald, and fliers swarmed over him.
This was only a Minor Victory, though: the Hounds multi-charged a unit of Fire Warriors, a Hammerhead, and the Broadsides; this was a mistake. It took them too long to chew through the Broadsides… and the game got called on time. If we’d been able to play through to the end, I think odds are high I might have been able to table him.
Day 2
Game 4 – Chaos Daemons
Fateweaver – Warlord
Herald of Tzeentch – Lvl 3, Conjuration
Fiends x9
Plaguebearers x10
Plaguebearers x10
Pink Horrors x16
Pink Horrors x16
Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds x16
Seekers x15 – Icon
Heavy Support
Soul Grinder – Nurgle, Baleful Torrent
I lost 7 to 13.
Kevin and I had been chatting about Daemons and how rad it was to be running a goofy army when we realized hey: we’re both at this table ’cause we’re supposed to play each other.
Anyway, this was the best possible way to start the day. It really looked like I had him on the ropes, but when time was called: he’d eked out a win over me.
Unfortunately, he’d also managed to knock my Bloodthirster to the floor, shattering him into four pieces. I’m still working through that. But, when a dude can (accidentally) destroy one of your minis and you still point at it as the best game of the weekend: it was a good game.
Game 5 – Chaos Space Marines with Daemons
Chaos Lord – Warlord, horne, Juggernaut, Axe of Blind Fury, Sigil of Corruption
Bloodthirster – Greater x2
Bloodletters x10
Chaos Marines x10 – Khorne, Meltagun x2, Meltabombs
– Rhino
Chaos Marines x10 – Khorne, Meltagun x2, Meltabombs
– Rhino
Chaos Marines x10 – Khorne, Meltagun x2, Meltabombs
– Rhino
Fast Attack
Chaos Bikers x5 – Khorne, Plasmagun x2, Meltabombs
Heavy Support
Havocs x5 – Autocannon x4, Veterans, Meltabombs
Aegis Defense Line – Quad-gun
I won, 17-3.
SIck of me saying “this was a really good game” yet? A lot of fun, some unexpected Warp Storm results, laughs all around.
Game 6 – Necrons with Tau
Of course, this list would be the one I can’t find. Figures. So, from memory:
Overlord – Warlord, Warscythe, Command Barge
Commander – Command & Control Node, Puretide Chip, Iridium Armor, Vectored Retro-thrusters
Riptide – Ion Accelerator, TL Fusion Blaster
Kroot x10
Warriors x5 – Night Scythe
Warriors x5 – Night Scythe
Warriors x5 – Night Scythe
Warriors x5 – Night Scythe
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Broadsides x3 – TL High Yield Missiles x3, Missile Drones x4
I’m almost certainly off on some particulars, but the big themes are pretty hard to forget.
This was my bad game. It’s probably not entirely my opponent’s fault: he was probably (and I don’t know that I exaggerate here) all of thirteen years old. He can’t help that he was an unpleasant little shit: all boys that age are unpleasant little shits. Why we’re permitted to survive past that into manhood is one of nature’s greatest mysteries.
He had an unfun list, an unfun personality, and didn’t know the rules. (At one point, I just turned, walked off looking for a judge. I was done arguing with him.) The thought of just dropping the game had occurred to me; I’m glad I stuck through it.
I’d have played him at some point anyway: if I hadn’t have lost to him in Game 6, I’d likely have played him in Game 8, where he played for our bracket. (Instead, he played IFL’r Seth in that game, who had as much fun as I did. “The first words out of his mouth,” he said, “was that I had to have my Blacksun Filters painted on my tanks.” So, yeah.)
Day 3
Game 7 – Chaos Space Marines with Daemons
Chaos Lord – Warlord, Nurgle
Daemon Prince – Nurgle, Flying, Armor, Greater x2, Lesser x1
Sorcerer – Lvl 3, Bike, Aura of Dark Glory, Gift of Mutation, Spell Familiar
Plague Marines x8 – Meltagun, Power Fist,
– Rhino – Dozer Blade
Plague Marines x8 – Meltagun, Power Fist,
– Rhino – Dozer Blade
Plaguebearers x10
Plaguebearers x10
Fast Attack
Chaos Bikers x5 – Slaanesh, Meltagun, Icon of Excess, Gift of Mutation, Power Fist
Heldrake – Baleflamer
Heldrake – Baleflamer
I won, 20-0.
Torrent of Fire has the wrong pairing up: it shows the Dark Angels player who no-showed, rather than the Chaos Space Marine/Daemons player I played (whose opponent dropped the night before). Sadly, I neglected to write his name on his list.
Anyway, this was another great way to start the final day. A fun game that was looking pretty grim for me at points but I managed to swing it around to a pretty decisive win.
Game 8 – Grey Knights
Coteaz – Warlord
Servitors x3 – Plasma Cannons x3
Warrior Acolytes x3
– Razorback – Psybolt Ammunition, Dozer Blade, Searchlight
Warrior Acolytes x3
– Razorback – Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlight
Warrior Acolytes x3
– Razorback – Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlight
Warrior Acolytes x3
– Razorback – Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlight
Warrior Acolytes x3
– Razorback – Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlight
Fast Attack
Storm Raven – TL Assault Cannon, Hurrican Bolter Sponsons, Psybolt Ammunition
Storm Raven – TL Multi-melta, TL Lascannon
Storm Raven – TL Multi-melta, TL Lascannon
Heavy Support
Dreadknight – Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Dreadknight – Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Dreadknight – Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
I won, 17-3.
Man, I thought this game was going to hurt. I haven’t really played Daemons against Grey Knights, and he had kind of a lot of Dreadknights which kind of scare the pee out of me.
Despite running a list that I’d have judged harshly an edition ago: I had a good time against him. Things were pretty close in the last round: we got very tactical about charging here, holding things up there: in the end I pulled out a W because he failed something like a 4″ charge with his last remaining Dreadknight.