Tag Archives: WFRP

Adventure Log

So, I’ve been following along with Jim Pacek’s DM Prep Page posts, mostly because the first one caught my attention.

I normally scribble notes on some scratch paper as we play and they’re maybe legible an hour later (never mind by the time the next session rolls around).  Stuff like, “How much XP do we have,” always comes up (not throwing stones, I suck at tracking it as a player, too).

So, some structure & format to notes can only be a good thing.  They’ll help make session recap (the next time, or here) simpler viable.   Jim’s got a neat little sheet, so I stole (the idea of) it.

(His other prep stuff so far is pretty OSR specific.  While the pregenerated hit dice rolls are inspired, they’re not especially useful to a WFRP game; though they did motivate me to throw together a spreadsheet of random d10 rolls.  We’ll see if that speeds anything up.)

Anyway, here’s what I’ve got so far.

Adventure Log v1.0

It’s intended to be printed, double-sided on 11″x17″ and folded along and with the center line on the inside.  That leaves a space to hole-punch to keep it in a binder.

I’m hoping that some additional structure emerges, but currently it’s some session notes on the outside and space on the inside to track stuff that happens during combat or whatever.  I’m kinda doing what Jim does with the hit dice over there on the right with blocking off rows for NPCs and such.

Like I said, there’s still room for structure to emerge.

I’ll be giving it a spin on Friday (with the last session of the 4E game), so we’ll see if it’s useful (or turns out to a waste of an afternoon).

Thoughts? Questions? Suggestions?


Zak S‘s image dump posts always look like fun to make.  Since I’ve got some inspiration for the game I’m eyeballing at running next, I feel like doing one of my own:

Books feeding in to what I’m thinking of doing (at the moment):

Zweihänder Update Feed

I’m super-excited about Zweihänder the Warhammerless revision/rewrite of the WFRP system. It’s been on my radar for a bit, but because I’m terrible about checking in on Strike-to-Stun… it’s not easy for me to keep up with it.  And I’d like to keep up with it, ’cause I want to be able to order it when it drops.

So, I set up an RSS Pipe that reports whenever Moniker (the developer) posts to the Zweihänder subforum. It catches every post, not just “Order Zweihänder now!”, but it’s in my (RSS reader’s) face without drowning me in notices every time anyone posts there.

If this is something you’d find useful: here’s the feed. (And, if the pipe itself is useful to you, here’s the pipe.)